Special Session 6:Future of Food Engineering (Trends!)
Wednesday 17 June 2015, 14:00-15:30
Organizer: Prof. Stefan Palzer and Dr Marc Dreyer, Nestec Ltd, Switzerland
Purpose: This session is to address some questions about the future of food engineering; outlining what are the driving forces for trends, then describing how they will affect the food industry, and what impact can we expect it will have on the way we should prepare the coming generation of leaders in the food industry. Topic ‘questions’ to be addressed are the following:
Keynote 1: Marc Dreyer, NESTEC Ltd, Switzerland
Future of Food and Future Talents
Keynote2: Brian McKenna, University College Dublin, Ireland
The future of food engineering research - A European perspective
- Speaker 1: Prof. Stefan Palzer, NESTEC Ltd, Switzerland
Title: Technological solutions for reducing impact and content of health sensitive nutrients in food
- Speaker 2: Dr Yves Pouliot, Université Laval, Canada
Title: Technological advances and processes for tomorrow's health foods
- Speaker 3: Dr Paola Pittia, University of Teramo, Italy
Title: Training and education strategies in food science and engineering towards a sustainable food supply chain
- Speaker 4: Mr Luc Audet, Luc Audet Ingénieur-Conseil, Canada
Title: Future of Food Engineering Trends!
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