Special Session 4: Integrating Food Engineering across Europe – European Academy of Food Engineering (sponsored by the European Academy of Food Engineering, EAFE)
Monday 15 June 2015, 10:00-12:00
Organizer: Dr Yrjo Roos (University College Cork, Ireland) and Dr. Dietrich Knorr (Berlin University)
Purpose: A Session “Integrating Food Engineering across Europe” is organised by the European Academy of Food Engineering. The invited Speakers of the EAFE Session provide key findings from significant collaborative research from European institutions and introduce outstanding novel innovative research carried out by young European Food Engineers.
- Speaker 1: Professor Lilia Ahrné, SIK, Gothenburg, Sweden
Title: PowTech – An Integrated European Approach of Powder Engineering
- Speaker 2: Alexander Mathys, Erika Georget and Volker Heinz, German Institute of Food Technologies DIL, Prof.-von-Klitzing-Str. 7, D-49610 Quakenbrück
Title: Micro Process Engineering applications in food and biotechnology
- Speaker 3: Avi Shpigelman1, Clare Kyomugasho2, Stefanie Christiaens2, Ann M Van Loey2, Marc E. Hendrickx2
1Dept. of Food Engineering and Biotechnology, Technion- Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
2Laboratory of Food Technology, Department of Microbial and Molecular Systems (M2S), KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Title: Novel insights into the effects of thermal and high pressure processes on the degradation and solution behavior of pectin
- Speaker 4: Henry Jaeger, Dept. of Food Science and Technology, BOKU, Vienna, Austria
Title: Process combinations - Multi-target approaches in food processing and preservation
-Speaker 5: Dr. Lennart Fries, Nestle Research Centre, Vers Chez Les Blanc, Lausanne, Switzerland
Title: New approaches for reducing micronutrient losses during processing and fortification
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