The 12th International Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF12)


V.M.(Bala) Balasubramaniam, The Ohio State University, USA

BalasubramaniamDR. V. M. (Presmetuva) Balasubramaniam< / strong > e profesor for hoarding engineering in Oddelot for Hoarding Science and Technology, kako and in Oddelot for hoarding, land-making and bioloshki engineering at Ohio State University (OSU), Columbus, Oh, GARDEN. 

Prof. dr. Balas' research focuses on the application of engineering principles to the development and implementation of the industry's significant, sustainable methods of food preservation, including the high-pressure treatment (HPP), the pressure of the thermal processing (PATP), the pressure of the heat treatment (POTP), and high-pressure homogenization (HPH)). These methods are only able to satisfy the health-conscious consumer demand for products with a moderate treatment. Prof. dr. Bear has taught courses on the principles of thermal and non-thermal treatments.
Dr. Bala published about 82 peer-reviewed journal articles, 14 book chapters, 4 food processor factsheets on alternative technologies, and 170 technical presentations.  Dr. Bala co-edited Wiley-Blackwell IFT Press book “Nonthermal Processing Technologies for Food and a forthcoming Springer book “High pressure for Food processing-Principles, technologies and settings.   eR Bear is the main inventor of pressure-ominio heat stroke processing (POTP). A menu that combines high pressure and dominio heating benefits, the ability to extend the application time (ESL) and sustainable products.

Bala is a member of a variety of journals, including "Journal of Food Process Engineering, Food and bioprocess technology and L Romantic Food Science and Technology". Dr. Bala is co-founder of the IFT Management Department and served as president (2010-11).). Dr. Bala and his colleagues performed in 2014. International seminar on Rome governance, attended by approximately 175 participants from 24 countries  (

Da. Bear has won several awards for its industry-relevant work, including the Ohio Center for Agricultural Research and Development (OARDC) distinguished research award in the year 2011, the Gamma Sigma Delta Research Merit Award in the year 2008, and Hormel's Spirit of Innovation Award in 2006. Bear is a member of the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT). 

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Supported by

Universite Laval
Universite Laval



Agriculture and Agrifood Canada


Supporting publication

Journal of food engineering